Tailored to your needs

Each business has its challenges. A technology must adapt to a business context and not the reverse.  

Each business sector has its own usage for Blockchain

We have studied and worked on numerous Blockchain projects around several key markets and have drawn a few conclusions and lessons from them. Below, by way of example, are just a few themes that we have already had the opportunity to work on.

This list is not exhaustive. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to move forwards quickly in your projects with people who have sound knowledge of your specificities.

Digitalisation & Electronic Content Management

The founders of Blockchain EZ all have one point in common: broad experience in the field of digitalisation and electronic document management. The simplest Blockchain functions (timestamping and immutable data storage) provide immediate added value to ECM issues:

  • Timestamping
  • Proof of anteriority and certificate of origin
  • Electronic signature
  • Document integrity control
  • Forgery-proof audit trail

Did you know that adding a Blockchain timestamping function to your ECM system to transform it into an electronic archiving platform with probative value (according to the contexts and geographies) can be achieved in less than a month of project work?

We can help you understand these subjects and their regulatory impacts (we have experts who have worked on the eIDAS and French Afnor Z42 standards, to quote but a few). We can assist you in the integration of your EDM, archiving and collaborative tools into public Blockchains. We can also help you integrate turnkey solutions provided by quality actors, specialised software publishers.

We are also very proud with to be the co-founder, along with our Coexya partner, of the open source Tezos Digisign initiative. More info here.

Blockchain in the Health Sector

Our partner, Coexya is one of the most qualified integrators in the Health market in France, with dozens of references with public organisations, regional health authorities, associations, hospitals, laboratories and mutual companies. Coexya proposes a telemedicine and healthcare coordination solution (eparcours) called Odycare

This experience and the dozens of consultants, all experts in the complex standards of these business sectors enable us to have a clear vision on subjects that are driving the Blockchain buzz. We are at your disposal to share our vision and help you capitalise on Blockchain technology…but only when it has meaning, is technically achievable and legally applicable.

  • Gestion des accès aux données santé des patients, et traçabilité des accès
  • Suivi historique d'un parcours de soin multi-acteurs: qui a modifié quoi et quand
  • Stockage de données médicales et données patients
  • Partage de données médicales / études cliniques / définition de cohortes
  • Télémédecine
  • Paiements et remboursements de soins
  • Authentification forte par blockchain
  • Traçabilité du médicament
  • Management of access to patient health data and access traceability
  • Historical tracking of a multi-actor healthcare pathway: who modified what and when
  • Medical and patient data storage
  • Sharing of medical data / clinical trials / definition of cohorts
  • Telemedicine
  • Healthcare payments and reimbursements
  • Strong authentication via Blockchain
  • Drug Traceability

Blockchain in the Sports Sector

The Sports market is one of our favourites since it is a) a very large industry, b) a leisure activity and c) a public health subject. The large projects that we have encountered in the sporting world require the sharing of more often than not sensitive data between actors with very different objectives in mind: federations, clubs, media, local authorities, sports personalities, fans, brands, stadium managers, mutual companies, etc. 

Blockchain is set to develop quickly on this market, and in several directions:

  • Fan tokens: when fan loyalty program enable new sources of revenues
  • Fan shareholding : using security tokens for enabling fans to become clubs' shareholders
  • NFT : a technological revolution between art, passion, video games and money
  • Ticketing 2.0
  • Decentralised and reliable athlete's “virtual passport”: licenses, results and performances, medical record
  • Recruiting and motivating volunteers
  • New internal payment methods (within a federation, for a match day in a stadium..)

If you speak French and are interested in the topic, please read our position on Fan Token, sports NFT, and more overall on crypto-assets in the chapter 9.2 of the “Bien Utiliser la Technologie Blockchain en Entreprise” book by Alain Broustail

Intellectual Property and Blockchain Technologies

The revolution has already begun on this market with the creation of proof of anteriority of a digital work being simpler and more economic than ever before, thanks to the universal timestamp functions that Blockchain provides.  Photo, lines of code, press articles, musical composition, procedures for creating/registering copyrights are all facilitated.

But above and beyond the proof of anteriority, it is notably at the level of the making available of the terms and conditions of sale and the licensing of these rights that Blockchain will revolutionise the market. Article 17 of the European Directive on Copyright will push in this direction. The way NFT already impacts digital art is only an insight on how blockchain will impact the IP market.

In parallel, international patent offices and the large specialised legal firms are already in the process of studying the contribution Blockchain can make to their business and notably in relation to annuity payment issues and the transfer of ownership. We had the chance to work on several market initiatives, and we are at your disposal to present you the most relevant ones.

On these subjects, we work in close cooperation with Coexya and its business unit Intellectual Property, a provider of Intellectual Property management software used in twenty or so countries.

Blockchain Projects in the Food Industry

The food industry believes in Blockchain. Since 2018, in France, over a dozen Blockchain projects came about around issues relating to food traceability and the certification of organic, label and AOC products. Deployment of this type of solution is still taking place on a low scale and for the moment, more often than not, using disparate Blockchains and protocols.

We believe however that in the years to come, these projects will multiply until they become a necessity in a decade’s time for any product whereby 1) authenticity or 2) quality of production will be differentiating factors for the client. In the absence of European standards to be complied with, market standards will gradually be introduced, in the long-run bringing about interoperability between all these Blockchains.

Contact us in order to simply have a clearer picture, to choose the right solution or to integrate it into your information system and pilot the necessary (and critical) change management for your project.  

Combating Fraud and Counterfeiting

The luxury goods industry suffers a great deal due to counterfeiting. When we talk about fashion, jewellery, leatherwork, watchmaking or top of the range wines, counterfeiting can cause market actors to lose billions.

Blockchain technology, associated with recent asset identification technologies (NFC/RFID chip, flash code, etc), make possible the traceability of a production or distribution chain and potentially that of the second-hand market. The concept of a dematerialised ownership certificate and its transfer become reality and hence facilitate the end client’s decision-making process for an important purchase.

Above and beyond the fight against counterfeiting, Blockchain makes it possible to create reliable, transparent and shareable audit trails. Whether the aim is to justify the use of NGO funds or to generate evidence admissible in court with regard to the management of fraudulent claims in the insurance world, Blockchain can provide swift solutions that provide immediate efficacy to organisations that need to protect themselves from or combat fraud.  


Blockchain Transformations in the Banking Sector

The Banking and Financial Services sectors were the first institutions to embark upon the Blockchain road. If the use cases around payment methods for individual users or professionals are today clearly visible, our partners and teams are also working on themes that are less well known by the general public, such as:

  • Decentralised Finance
  • Peer to Peer Lending
  • Collateralisation of any type of financial (and non financial) assets
  • Securities Tokens for more digital automation
  • Management of non-listed shares
  • Banking KYC and risk data sharing
  • Structured funding and syndication
  • Car loan & leasing and double-financing controls and warranties